MAXEVK – Intel PSG Arria10 Evaluation Kit
Easy Start and Integration of the Arria10 SoM

The MAXEVK was developed to serve the MAX System on Modul, based on Arria 10 SoC-FPGA devices. It offers most interfaces of the HPS Subsystem and all FPGA I/O pins on to a 1,27mm pin header. 24 transceive channels are available at two Samtec high-speed connectors. The HPS supports two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, one USB OTG interface as well as a UART/USB converter. For in-system-programming a USB-Blaster II is implemented.
- 2 x Gigabit Ethernet
- UART / USB converter
- embedded USB-Blaster II
- 5 x pinheader for FPGA / HPS signals
- 2 x high-speed conectors for 24 transceiver
- 12V power supply
- clock generation for Ethernet / USB
- wall plug power supply
- size: 180 x 180mm
Block Diagram


Order Codes
- MAXEVK baseboard
- Arria 10 SoC-FPGA 10AS066
- 660 KLE
- 1688 DSP blocks
- 47Mbit RAM
- 24 Transceiver
- 2GByte DDR3 RAM
- 1GBit configuration device
- 16GByte eMMC NAND Flash
- Arria 10 SoC-FPGA 10AS066
- MAXEVK baseboard
- Arria 10 SoC-FPGA 10AS048
- 480 KLE
- 1368 DSP blocks
- 32MBit RAM
- 24 Transceiver
- 2GByte DDR3 RAM
- 1GBit configuration device
- 16GByte eMMC NAND Flash
- Arria 10 SoC-FPGA 10AS048
- MAXEVK baseboard
- Arria 10 SoC-FPGA 10AS027
- 270 KLE
- 830 DSP blocks
- 17 MBit RAM
- 12 Transceiver
- 2GByte DDR3 RAM
- 1GBit configuration device
- 16GByte eMMC NAND Flash
Easy Start and Integration of the Arria10 SoM